Google Search Console Plugin

Google Introduces New Video Series Around Google Search Console

A new video series around Google Search Console just went live on Youtube! The series focuses on how to use Search Console to optimize your website for Google Search. In the videos Google experts explain each of the reports available to you, giving examples on where to find data, how to analyze it, and how to fix issues that might affect your search appearance. Google has over a dozen episodes focusing on most of the features available in Search Console.

Google recently also changed from an older version of search console to the new Search Console dashboard in 2019, they wanted to include a video series that would help users learn about the product and its many use cases. Below are some of the videos that have been released so far and there will be others to come! Check the Search Console Training playlist on YouTube for a new video every two weeks and also subscribe to the Webmasters YouTube channel to get notified about new video uploads.


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